A group of concerned citizens in Bellingham, WA continues it's grass roots efforts to limit fireworks in our City. This blog - Freedom From Fireworks in Bellingham, Washington - is an essential part of these grass roots efforts, which include support of the newly approved revised fireworks ordinance.
Saturday, June 30, 2012
It's Started!
Just a few moments ago, fireworks could be heard on the Southside. Cannot tell where they are coming from, but since it's June 30th, they are obviously illegal! Hope someone is close enough to phone in a report of noise to 911 and compose a follow-up E-Mail to the Chiefs of Police and the Fire Department, to members of City Council and Mayor Linville. Later . . .
Reporting Fireworks Violations
It's vital that violations be reported and documented. As I have advised recently, legal fireworks - those that do not leave the ground and that "pop" rather than "boom" - are allowed only on the 4th of July and at New Years. However, any disturbing noise caused by fireworks is illegal every day of the year! So this year, call 911 and report the noise but not the fireworks!. You'll need to provide an exact location - an address is best! Once you've made the call, follow-up with an E-Mail to the Bellingham Police Chief (Todd Ramsay <tramsay@cob.org>) and Bellingham Fire Chief (Bill Boyd <bboyd@cob.org ) and "cc'd" to City Council (<ccmail@cob.org>) and the Mayor (Kelli Linville <klinville@cob.org>). This E-Mail must reference your call to 911 including the data you supplied. The purpose of this two-part approach is to assure that the Bellingham police department, fire department, City Council and the Mayor have been informed accurately as to what is actually taking place "fireworks-wise" in our City. Later . . .
6/30 Downtown Farmers' Market Report
We managed to "dodge" the showers today at the Market. With the help of a new volunteer, three of us gathered just over 6-dozen new petition signatures. As with last week, interest seems to be increasing due to sporadic fireworks around the City and recent publicity.
We'll be at the Fairhaven Farmers' Market next Wednesday afternoon and back at the downtown Farmers' Market next Saturday. If you are a registered voter, live within the City and support the idea of getting Bellingham Initiative 2012-01 on the November general election ballot as Proposition No. 1, please stop by our table and sign a petition. THANKS! Later . . .
We'll be at the Fairhaven Farmers' Market next Wednesday afternoon and back at the downtown Farmers' Market next Saturday. If you are a registered voter, live within the City and support the idea of getting Bellingham Initiative 2012-01 on the November general election ballot as Proposition No. 1, please stop by our table and sign a petition. THANKS! Later . . .
6/27 Fairhaven Farmers' Market Report
Weather was bright and sunny Wednesday afternoon, bringing out significant crowds. In just under four hours of tabling, two of us gathered over fifty (50) petition signatures. We'll be at the downtown Farmers' Market today and back to Fairhaven next Wednesday, the 4th. Later . . .
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
Setting the Record Straight
On 6/18, a post on this site entitled "A Few Things To Consider" included some inaccurate information regarding Bellingham's current fireworks ordinance (BMC 10.24-130 - Fireworks Prohibited). This ordinance does, in fact, include a penalty: Paragraph K of BMC 10-24-130 states: "Any violation of this section is a misdemeanor". The earlier posting has been corrected and the purpose of this posting is to set the record straight. Sorry for any misunderstanding or inconvenience this may have caused. Later . . .
Monday, June 25, 2012
An Old Letter-to-the-Editor
The link below will take you to a Herald letter-to-the-editor of a couple of weeks ago. This lady is not a supporter of what we are about. However, a review of the letter and the comments to it are very interesting. Most, IMHO, are without merit, but it's good to try to understand what we are up against. And it would appear that several folks - "FormerBellinghamster", "BellinghamOwl", "Pragmatic", "ek1" and "WORST_EVER_43" - do undertand what we are about. Hope they've signed a petition. Here's the link:
Sunday, June 24, 2012
Sunday Editorial
There's a great editorial in today's Herald. Check it out at
http://www.bellinghamherald.com/2012/06/24/2569861/bellingham-petition-seeks-to-limit.html. You might follow the comments, many of which are really without merit. It would appear, however, that "Fireworks_Guy","ticktock" and "Cantharellus" agree with what we are about. Later . . .
Saturday, June 23, 2012
Fireworks in Snohomish County
Per the link below, the Snohomish County Fire District is promoting the idea that fireworks should be left to the professionals. This is not unlike what we are proposing in Bellingham. Check it out.
6/23 Downtown Farmers' Market Report
What looked to be another "rain-challenged" Saturday at the Market today was just cloudy. Four of us gathered another 90 petition signatures today. Interest seems to be increasing as sporadic fireworks have been heard around the City of late.
We'll be at the Fairhaven Farmers' Market next Wednesday afternoon and back at the downtown Farmers' Market next Saturday. If you are a registered voter, live within the City and support the idea of getting Bellingham Initiative 2012-01 on the November general election ballot as Proposition No. 1, please stop by our table and sign a petition. THANKS! Later . . .
We'll be at the Fairhaven Farmers' Market next Wednesday afternoon and back at the downtown Farmers' Market next Saturday. If you are a registered voter, live within the City and support the idea of getting Bellingham Initiative 2012-01 on the November general election ballot as Proposition No. 1, please stop by our table and sign a petition. THANKS! Later . . .
Friday, June 22, 2012
KOMO4 TV Coverage
Our efforts to get the fireworks situation in Bellingham under control were recently covered by Seattle's KOMO4 TV. Kera Wanielista, KOMO4 Communities Reporter, interviewed Rich Maneval, our spokesman, and did a really nice piece regarding our efforts to limit fireworks in our City to professionally-staged, public fireworks displays. Many thanks to both Kera and Richard. If you missed Kera's report on KOMO4 Early Edition News yesterday, you can still check it out at http://bellingham.komonews.com/news/home-garden/759703-july-4-coming-some-citizens-seek-freedom-disruptive-fireworks. Later . . .
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
Rhodes is With Us!
Today's Cascadia Weekly included Alan Rhodes' following "Suggestion Box" entry:
"Everyone in Bellingham. Sign the petition to ban personal fireworks. That way you can still enjoy the pyrotechnics display over the bay, but not have to worry about the neighborhood idiot burning down your garage."
Pretty well stated, Alan, although the "ban of personal fireworks" that we seek really amounts to a limitation of fireworks in Bellingham to only the professionally-staged, public fireworks displays, like the "pyrotechnics display over the bay" that you describe. Thanks! Later . . .
Pretty well stated, Alan, although the "ban of personal fireworks" that we seek really amounts to a limitation of fireworks in Bellingham to only the professionally-staged, public fireworks displays, like the "pyrotechnics display over the bay" that you describe. Thanks! Later . . .
6/20 Fairhaven Farmers' Market Report
First day of summer brought out significant crowds today. In just under four hours of tabling, another three dozen petition signatures were obtained. We'll be at the downtown Farmers' Market on this coming Saturday, 6/23 and back to Fairhaven next Wednesday, 6/27. Later . . .
An Eye Doctor Weighs In
Recently, Dr. John H. Hodge, MD, a local Ophthalmologist, signed a petition and offered to be quoted on this website as follows:
"Fireworks injuries are common, painful and severe. Every 4th of July something happens."
Thank you, Dr. Hodge, for your support and personal input. Later . . .
Monday, June 18, 2012
A Few Things to Consider
As this year's 4th of July approaches, we would like to share a few things that Bellingham residents should consider:
• Did you know that Bellingham’s noise ordinance (BMC 10.24.120-Public Disturbance Noise) does not include or exempt fireworks noise?
• Did you know that Bellingham’s noise ordinance (BMC 10.24.120-Public Disturbance Noise) includes significant penalties: Up to $250 for a first offense and, for a second or subsequent offense, up $500 or imprisonment for 90 days?
• Since the noise ordinance is “silent” – pun intended – regarding the noise of fireworks, it’s no wonder that our City is overwhelmed by the noise of fireworks. So, what’s a City resident to do when the noise of fireworks becomes unbearable? Try this: Call 911 - or 676-6911 if you do not consider it an "emergency" - and report the noise, but not the the fireworks. When you do call, you will need to supply an exact location - an address - from where the noise is coming. Since the noise ordinance includes significant penalties, perhaps law enforcement can do some enforcement.
• In the interim, we continue to seek petition signatures to put Bellingham Initiative No. 2012-01, as Proposition No. 1, on the November General Election Ballot.
• Did you know that Bellingham’s noise ordinance (BMC 10.24.120-Public Disturbance Noise) does not include or exempt fireworks noise?
• Did you know that Bellingham’s noise ordinance (BMC 10.24.120-Public Disturbance Noise) includes significant penalties: Up to $250 for a first offense and, for a second or subsequent offense, up $500 or imprisonment for 90 days?
• Since the noise ordinance is “silent” – pun intended – regarding the noise of fireworks, it’s no wonder that our City is overwhelmed by the noise of fireworks. So, what’s a City resident to do when the noise of fireworks becomes unbearable? Try this: Call 911 - or 676-6911 if you do not consider it an "emergency" - and report the noise, but not the the fireworks. When you do call, you will need to supply an exact location - an address - from where the noise is coming. Since the noise ordinance includes significant penalties, perhaps law enforcement can do some enforcement.
• In the interim, we continue to seek petition signatures to put Bellingham Initiative No. 2012-01, as Proposition No. 1, on the November General Election Ballot.
Saturday, June 16, 2012
6/16 Farmers' Market Report
Another "rain-challenged" Saturday at the Market again today. However, three of us braved the wet and gathered another 40 petition signatures today. Our tattered yard umbrella and sheets of reinforced clear plastic successfully kept our petitions dry and "signable"!
We'll be at the Fairhaven Farmers' Market next Wednesday afternoon and back at the downtown Farmers' Market next Saturday. If you are a registered voter, live within the City and support the idea of getting Bellingham Initiative 2012-01 on the November general election ballot as Proposition No. 1, please stop by our table and sign a petition. THANKS! Later . . .
We'll be at the Fairhaven Farmers' Market next Wednesday afternoon and back at the downtown Farmers' Market next Saturday. If you are a registered voter, live within the City and support the idea of getting Bellingham Initiative 2012-01 on the November general election ballot as Proposition No. 1, please stop by our table and sign a petition. THANKS! Later . . .
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
6/13 Fairhaven Farmers' Market Report
Once again, just one of us at this event today. Great crowds! Just under four hours of tabling netted just short of another three dozen petition signatures. We'll be at the downtown Farmers' Market on this coming Saturday, 6/16 and back to Fairhaven next Wednesday, 6/20. Later . . .
Locations Added to "Hard-Copy Petition and LOCATIONS" Page
Back in March, a posting was added to this site indicating where petitions could be found. Unfortunately, this information was not included in this Blog itself. That situation has be corrected - locations have been added to the "Hard-Copy Petition and LOCATIONS" Page.
Back to Fairhaven Today
We'll be back at the Farmers' Market in Fairhaven this afternoon. Come by and sign our petition to get an initiative - to limit fireworks in our City to professionally-staged public fireworks displays - on the ballot this Fall. Later . . .
Saturday, June 9, 2012
Good News/Bad News
The Good News: Today was our best day at Market so far. With four of us gathering petition signatures for 3-hours, we totaled 91.
The Bad News: After 5-months of petitioning, we have just over 2100 signatures. With about a month to go, we need at least 2900 more. That means roughly 100 per day for the next 30-days. Judging from what we've managed in 5-months (i.e., 148-days), that's going to be tough. Time is running out, and we really need your help. Here's how:
- If you have not signed a hard-copy petition yet, do so. If you endorsed the on-line petition, that's great, but we need your actual signature on a paper petition for it to support getting this on the Fall general election ballot.
- If you are gathering petition signatures yourself, please step up your efforts.
- If you would like to gather signatures, please contact us and petition(s) will be provided.
Friday, June 8, 2012
6/6 Fairhaven Farmers' Market Report
Just one of us at this event on Wednesday. Crowds were heavier than expected. Four hours of tabling netted more than three dozen petition signatures.
Our time to gather 5000 to 7000 petition signatures is down to just over a month, and our total is just over 2000. So without lots more volunteers, our efforts to get Bellingham Initiative No. 2012-01 on the November general election ballot as PROPOSITION NO. 1 appears pretty much doomed! Please advise if you can help! Later . . .
Our time to gather 5000 to 7000 petition signatures is down to just over a month, and our total is just over 2000. So without lots more volunteers, our efforts to get Bellingham Initiative No. 2012-01 on the November general election ballot as PROPOSITION NO. 1 appears pretty much doomed! Please advise if you can help! Later . . .
Saturday, June 2, 2012
6/2 Farmers' Market Report
Although challenged by the rain, just two of us managed to gather more than 3-dozen petition signatures today. With the help of a yard umbrella and clear plastic bags, we were able to keep our petitions dry and "signable"!
We'll be "on the green", as it were, for the opening day of the Fairhaven Farmers' Market on this next Wednesday afternoon. If you are a registered voter, live within the City and support the idea of getting Bellingham Initiative 2012-01 on the November general election ballot as Proposition No. 1, please stop by our table and sign a petition. THANKS! Later . . .
We'll be "on the green", as it were, for the opening day of the Fairhaven Farmers' Market on this next Wednesday afternoon. If you are a registered voter, live within the City and support the idea of getting Bellingham Initiative 2012-01 on the November general election ballot as Proposition No. 1, please stop by our table and sign a petition. THANKS! Later . . .
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