A group of concerned citizens in Bellingham, WA continues it's grass roots efforts to limit fireworks in our City. This blog - Freedom From Fireworks in Bellingham, Washington - is an essential part of these grass roots efforts, which include support of the newly approved revised fireworks ordinance.
Monday, July 23, 2012
Dr. Hodge's Letter-to-the-Editor
Back on June 20th, a local opthamologist by the name of Dr. John Hodge sent us an E-mail which, with his permission, we quoted. On July 13th, the Bellingham Herald published his letter-to-the-editor. You might find his letter and the resulting comments interesting. The link to Dr. Hodge's letter is: http://www.bellinghamherald.com/2012/07/13/2579732/wants-city-to-ban-personal-fireworks.html