A group of concerned citizens in Bellingham, WA continues it's grass roots efforts to limit fireworks in our City. This blog - Freedom From Fireworks in Bellingham, Washington - is an essential part of these grass roots efforts, which include support of the newly approved revised fireworks ordinance.
Monday, August 6, 2012
The Respite is Over
After a nearly two-week respite, the Southside idiot - probably the one with a calendar-reading problem - set off a tremendous explosion last evening. It was actually considerably louder and shook the ground much harder than anything I've ever heard here. You know, this idiot might very well be the one who my wife saw driving a white SUV downtown recently with bumper stickers that read - and I kid you not - "Cherry Bombs for Jesus" and "I Love Fireworks"! The former is certainly a new twist to the concept of "religious freedom"! I just wanted to share this with you. Later . . .