A group of concerned citizens in Bellingham, WA continues it's grass roots efforts to limit fireworks in our City. This blog - Freedom From Fireworks in Bellingham, Washington - is an essential part of these grass roots efforts, which include support of the newly approved revised fireworks ordinance.
Wednesday, January 9, 2013
To Council We Shall Go!
At long last, some good things are starting to happen relative to the fireworks problem here in Bellingham, in part because of this year's New Years illegal fireworks barrages. Apparently, lots of folks contacted members of the Bellingham City Council regarding these barrages and some Council members responded. The "rumor" is that Council will to bring this situation forward for discussion this year. This is where we need to personally engage members of City government. And here's how: Early on at each City Council meeting, members of the public are welcome, in 3-minutes time slots, to speak to the Mayor and Council members about whatever is on their minds. So, on Monday evening, January 28th, to council we shall go: a group of residents of our City who support the efforts of Freedom From Fireworks in Bellingham will be voicing their concerns about fireworks during that evening's Public Comment period. Later . . .