A group of concerned citizens in Bellingham, WA continues it's grass roots efforts to limit fireworks in our City. This blog - Freedom From Fireworks in Bellingham, Washington - is an essential part of these grass roots efforts, which include support of the newly approved revised fireworks ordinance.
Wednesday, March 20, 2013
Stan Snapp on Joe's Show on 3/19/13
City Councilman Stan Snapp recently announced that he will be leaving the Council at the end of his term at the end of this year. Councilman Snapp has been on the "same page" with us regarding a fireworks ban since I first met him one-on-one in 2009. His support of a fireworks ban in Bellingham is based in part on his personal experiences as a member of the Bellingham Fire Department. His recent radio interview on Joe's Show - http://kgmi.com/play_window.php?audioType=Episode&audioId=6288295 - includes, at two points during the interview, his insightful thoughts about a ban. These comments begin at 34:30 and 37:40 into the interview. Check them out. Later . . .