A group of concerned citizens in Bellingham, WA continues it's grass roots efforts to limit fireworks in our City. This blog - Freedom From Fireworks in Bellingham, Washington - is an essential part of these grass roots efforts, which include support of the newly approved revised fireworks ordinance.
Monday, May 27, 2013
Something to Think About, Right?
Einstein defined insanity as “doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” The existing Bellingham fireworks ordinance - BMC 10.24.130 - has been in effect for over a decade. When Council updated this ordinance in 2002, it was with the expectation of Councilman Bornemann and his fellow Council members that fireworks which flew into the sky and exploded loudly had been prohibited. The "over and over again" yearly attempts to enforce this ordinance have not prohibited flying, explosive fireworks. And the insanity is "expecting different results", which will likely be shown very clearly in a few weeks. The bottom line is that it is time for the current fireworks ordinance to be simplified and strengthened. And that is exactly what the proposed ban will do. I urge you to testify in support of the proposed ban at Council on 6/3. Or perhaps, you could show your support by simply attending upcoming City Council meetings on 6/3 and 6/17. Something to think about, right? Later . . .