The revised fireworks ordinance was adopted with the supporting votes of four (4) of the seven (7) Bellingham City Council Members. Again, many thanks to Knutson, Lehman, Weiss and Snapp.
Knutson and Lilliquist are running, both unopposed, for re-election to 4-year terms. Snapp is retiring, and he has endorsed Pinky Vargas for his seat on Council. She is running against Clayton Petree for this 4-year Ward 4 seat. Fleetwood is not running for re-election, and he has endorsed Roxanne Murphy. She is running in the primary against Bob Burr and Allen Brown for this 2-year at-large seat.
You may ask, "So, what does this have to do with fireworks?" A whole lot. Let me explain:
Pinky supports the fireworks ban. In fact, at the 6/3/13 public hearing before Council, she spoke forcibly in favor of then proposed ban, urging the Council to approve it. Jerry Farwell, the "suit" who testified against the proposed ban that same evening, represents the Consumer Fireworks Safety Association PAC, which has recently contributed financially to Petree's campaign. If elected, Pinky will preserve what Snapp did in support of the recently approved revised fireworks ordinance.
Roxanne also supports the fireworks ban. In John Stark's 7/25 Herald regarding the Murphy, Burr, Brown 3-way primary race, he wrote: "Murphy says she agrees with the personal fireworks ban . . . because she believes most city residents favor it." If elected, Roxanne will join Knutson, Lehman and Weiss in support of the new ban.
BOTTOM LINE: Please consider showing your continued support of the fireworks ban by voting for Roxanne Murphy in the primary and for both Pinky Vargas and Roxanne in the general election in November. THANKS! Later . . .