Thursday, July 25, 2013

Interesting Letter-to-the-Editor

Today's Bellingham "Halibut" - aka the Herald - included an interesting letter-to-the Editor about fireworks.  The author's lack of understanding of both the current ordinance and of the new ban is significant.  Comments to the letter are also intriguing, as folks like Earnest are beginning to show a very acute understanding of the shortcomings of current ordinance and solid support of the new ban. While remembering what this is really all about - making our City an even better place to live - I urge you to check out the letter and comments thereto here.  Later . . .

When this posting, and a similar one on our FB page, went out this morning, there were just a half-dozen comments.  Now (5:15PM B'ham time) there are more than another dozen.  Thanks to Ernest, DickConoboy and reasonable_man for "informed" comments in response to others who show a total misunderstanding of the existing City fireworks ordinance and of the recently adopted ban that is slated to go into effect on 6/18/14.  Total bans have been successful in 58-other cities in our State.  Spokane and Spokane County have had incredibly successful total bans for 2-decades.  Bellingham's new total ban is expected to make our City an even better place to live.  Later . . .