Saturday, June 29, 2013

This Year's Fireworks Stands

There was an intriguing page A2 story in this AM's Herald, bemoaning the fact that there will be no fireworks sales within the City next year.  It contains some interesting information.  For example, this year there are seven (7) stands, and, contrary to what opponents of next year's ban claimed, not all of them support non-profits.  The article is an interesting read, as are the on-line comments.  You might want to check it out here.

During research regarding this year's sales of fireworks in Bellingham, some enlightening facts were discovered:
  • Last year there were ten (10) stands.  
  • Last year, fireworks sold at these stands came from two (2) vendors.  
  • This year only one (1) of those vendors supplies fireworks to all seven (7) stands.
  • This vendor, whose headquarters are in Florence, AL, also supplies fireworks to stands out in Whatcom County and numerous other locations throughout Washington.
So far this year, there have been minimal fireworks on the Southside.  It will be interesting to see how much barrage-type activity takes place outside the 9AM to 12 midnight "legal window" on the 4th.   But just imagine how wonderful it will be next year with no sales in the City.  Later . . .

Friday, June 28, 2013

A Rhetorical Question

Recent publicity provided by the City of Bellingham, as it relates to fireworks in our City, indicates that the City is keen to facilitate a safe and lawful 4th of July this year.  This publicity includes
  1. A June 13th Press Release on the City's website.
  2. A June, 2013 Blockwatcher E-Mail distribution to neighborhood block captains.
  3. An editorial in yesterday's Herald.
Each of these contain essentially the same information, that is, an explanation of the existing fireworks ordinance, of how the BFD and BPD intend to increase the enforcement efforts this year and a "heads-up" that a total ban will be in effect next year.  

All of which leads to this rhetorical question:  Is it not somewhat ironic that, had such due diligence been exercised when the current fireworks ordinance went into effect a decade ago, the recently adopted fireworks ban might not have been necessary?   Later . . .

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Editorial in Today's Bellingham Herald

This editorial, written by Fire Chief Roger Christensen and Police Chief Clifford Cook, outlines the City's efforts this year to enforce Bellingham's current fireworks ordinance. It will be even easier next year for our City to enjoy a safe and quiet 4th when the recently adopted fireworks ban goes into effect. Later . . . 

Friday, June 21, 2013

City Fireworks Information for This Year

Midday today, the City of Bellingham put some updated fireworks information out on the City's website.  Included was an explanation that next year at this time, a recently adopted fireworks ban will take effect.  The requirements of the existing fireworks ordinance are explained in detail, along with the City's plans for increased efforts to enforce the current ordinance this year.  Check it out here.  Later . . .

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Late to Get On-Line

This letter was in my home delivery Herald over the weekend, but, for whatever reason, did not appear on-line until yesterday.  The letter, which praises the Council's 1st and 2nd reading of, and 4-3 affirmative vote in favor of, the ban on 6/3, once again brought out the not unexpected, "over-the-top" on-line comments of folks who hopefully now realize that the ban attained a 3rd reading and final 4-2 affirmative vote at Council on 6/17.  You can check out the letter and comments by clicking here.  Later . . .

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

6/17/2013 Council Meeting Video

Video of Monday evening's Bellingham City Council meeting is now available on the City's website.  The video runs for nearly 97-minutes.  The part of interest fireworks-wise begins at just past 91-minutes into the video.  That's when Terry Bornemann, standing fast by his assertion that the fireworks ban is unnecessary, could not resist adding another of his hand-waving comments just before the Council Members present voted 4-2 to codify the ban.  Thanks definitely goes to Lehman, Weiss, Knutson and Snapp for approving the ban.  My personal appreciation goes to Councilman Snapp, who from the first time I met him in September, 2009 supported our efforts to put a ban in place.  Click here to check it out the video.  Later . . .

Stark's Wednesday Article

John Stark's article about the City Council's Monday evening "3rd and final" approval of the fireworks ban did not appear in the Herald until this morning, and alas, on page A2.  The usual "suspects" are burning up their keyboards with on-line anti-ban comments, but there are also many comments in favor Council's action.  Check it out right here.  Later . . .

Monday, June 17, 2013


First of all, relax!  This posting is not in support of fireworks!  Below is an excerpt from a late June advertisement last year in the Herald.  My intention is to use it as a visual aid for this post, OK?

The fireworks shown below are so-called cakes.  The caption illustrates why our Mayor and Fire Chief have prohibited their sale in the City this year - they clearly shoot into the heavens and create loud noise.  But here's what I want to highlight.  The lower cake shown in the advertisement is called the GREAT ENDING.  Ironic, is it not, that with the Council's passing of a fireworks ban this evening, a significant different type of "great ending" has been reached.

However, it is simply foolhardy to believe this thing is a done deal, because now the real work begins.  Now we all need to step up and do everything we can to make the ban successful.  It is going to take time, but remember what this is really about, and that's making Bellingham an even better place to live.  In the past four years, I have interfaced with about 4000 local folks supporting the promotion of a fireworks ban.  Thanks to all of you for your interest, that support and participation in this grass roots effort.  More later . . .

Lastly, many thanks to Cathy Lehman, Jack Weiss, Gene Knutson and Stan Snapp for your "3rd and final" approval of the fireworks ban.  Later . . .

Sunday, June 16, 2013

My Father's Day Wish

Hey, I got my belated birthday wish two weeks ago tomorrow, when the Bellingham City Council came down 4-3 in favor of a fireworks ban in our City.  My Father's Day wish is that Council finish what it started at the 6/3 Council Meeting:  A final affirmative vote, at tomorrow's evening's Council Meeting. would grant my wish.  Later . . .

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Agenda Bill AB19986 Available For Review

The Agenda Bill regarding the 3rd reading of, and final vote on, the fireworks ban, to take place this coming Monday evening, 6/17/13 at Council, just appeared on the City's website.  AB 19986 has some interesting attachments, including copies of comments from folks to Council regarding the ban.  Seventy-five percent of those comment express support of the ban.  Check it out by clicking here.  Later . . .

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Yet Another Rik Dalvit Cartoon

Once again, Dalvit's cartoon in this morning's Herald is intriguing.  And once again, his cartoon keeps this issue in the public view.  It illustrates how necessary it is for those of you who support this ban must make in clear to the Council how important it is that the "3rd and final" on 6/17 support the ban.  Please do not forget that what this is ultimately about is making Bellingham an even better place to live!  Later . . .

Thursday, June 6, 2013

What Happened and What's Next . . .

True democracy and grass roots politics are wonderful things to watch.  And what went down this past Monday evening at Council was pretty remarkable:

Nineteen (19) folks testified at the Public Hearing.  Just four (4) of those were against the ban.  Two (2) of the four (4) were not only from out of town, but also represented the fireworks industry.  The remaining fifteen (15) spoke eloquently and passionately in favor of the ban!

Discussion at Council after the hearing was vigorous and intense.  Since our initial one-on-one in September, 2009, Snapp has been steadfastly for a ban.  Knutson, who was on Council with Bornemann in 2002 when the current fireworks ordinance was put in place, came around earlier this year when he came to to the realization that what he and others on Council believed would work in 2009 simply did not!  Weiss and Lehman, both admitting to their love of fireworks, came down on the side of making Bellingham an even better place for us to live.  The non-support of the ban by Bornemann and Lilliquist was not unexpected.  What makes Fleetwood's non-support of the ban perplexing was it's contrast to his past support of a plastic bag ban.  That having been stated, the 4-3 vote was awesome!

However, the next step is vital, and it's very important that we all keep the pressure on Council.  At the next evening Council meeting on 6/17, what's called the "3rd reading" of the ban will take place and a final roll call vote taken.  Votes of this kind happen towards the end of Council meetings.  So, there is still an opportunity, during the Public Comment period at the beginning of the meeting, for folks to come forward and comment, for or against the ban.  This is why it is so very important that you let Council know before then that you support what was done last Monday evening and expect final approval of the ban on 6/17.

Later . . .

Wednesday, June 5, 2013


The video of Monday evening's Public Hearing about, and Council discussion of, the fireworks ban in now available here.  Check it out!  Later . . .

Monday, June 3, 2013

4 to 3 is Fine With Me

Just home from this evening's City Council Meeting.  Public Hearing went beautifully, as did the Council's vote to move the proposed ban ahead for "3rd and final reading" and roll call vote on the 6/17/13 Council Meeting.  Voting in favor of the ban were Councilwoman Cathy Lehman and Councilmen Snapp, Knutson and Weiss.  Voting against the ban were Councilmen Lilliquist, Bornemann and Fleetwood.  However, 4 to 3 is fine with me.  More details to follow.  Later . . .

Saturday, June 1, 2013

The Third Time's a Charm, Hopefully!

The next Bellingham City Council meeting, which begins at 7:00PM this next Monday, June 3rd, includes a Public Hearing regarding a proposed ordinance to prohibit consumer fireworks within the City of Bellingham in 2014.  Several of us have already visited Bellingham City Council meetings to express our fireworks concerns via Public Comments.  Actually we have done this twice this year, on Jan 28th and March 11th.  Several of us are returning again Monday evening to testify at the Public Hearing, and we are hoping, to cite an old adage, that the "third time's a charm"!  If testifying is "not in your network", you might consider showing your support of the proposed ordinance by simply being in Council Chambers during the hearing.  If you cannot be there, the meeting will be televised live on BTV10.  You can learn more about our efforts to ban fireworks by visiting this FaceBook page.  Later . . .