Saturday, December 22, 2012

2:00 AM Blasts on Southside

Was awakened early this AM by, you guessed it, the repeated blasts of fireworks!  It was apparently a ways off, as my Aussie did not react as she usually does.  However, it would seem that this year's end-of-the-year fireworks have begun.  Contrary to what I have urged you all to do, I did not call 911 nor post City representatives regarding the incident.  I probably with do the latter today, and herein, I am sharing news of this event with you folks.  Later . . .

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Not Long Until New Years!

As 2012 comes to an end, we wish we could report significant progress in our efforts to get the City to address it's fireworks problems.  The simple fact is that the City has "lots on it's plate" and fireworks ends up a low priority item.  We've engaged Mayor Linville and the Mayor's Neighborhood Advisory Commission (MNAC) and acting Fire Chief Roger Christensen.  Though our reception was polite in both instances, nothing much has transpired in the interim.  Mayor Linville has committed, however, to look into the situation in the New Year.  We will keep you appraised of how this moves forward in 2013.

Today's Herald front page story regarding the Mayor's selection of Clifford Cook to replace retiring Bellingham Police Chief Todd Ramsay is somewhat heartening.  Cook comes to Bellingham after a 5-year stint as Police Chief in Vancouver, WA.  Interesting is the fact that Vancouver's municipal code bans all fireworks at New Years.  This being the case, perhaps the new Police Chief will be receptive to what we are about.

With New Years just a few days away, the following information might be of interest to you.  Bellingham's fireworks ordinance, BMC 10.24.130, restricts sales of so-called safe and sound fireworks to between 12/27 and 12/31.  Use is restricted to just 12/31 and 1/1.  However, Bellingham's noise ordinance, BMC 10.24.120, fails to exempt the noise of fireworks as being allowed.  So, what should you do, as a concerned citizen, when this year's barrage begins over New Years?  Two things:
  1. Call 911 - or 676-6911 - and report the noise as a violation of BMC 10.24.120.
  2. Follow up each telephone call with an E-Mail to the Mayor (, the City Council ( and both the Police ( and Fire ( Departments.
We hope you and yours have a terrific Holidays.  And that 2013 is a great year, especially with regards to the City doing something about it's fireworks problem.  Later . . .  

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Interesting Link

Found a new entry on our on-line petition/opinion poll yesterday. What's interesting is that the site advocates a total ban of all fireworks! Also interesting is its advocacy of laser shows to replace public fireworks displays. It certainly is something to think about. Check it out at Later . . .

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

PRELIMINARY Petition Signature Totals

In preparation for the launch of our Bellingham Initiative No. 2012-01 petition, 500 copies were printed.  Between January 12th and July 11th, 254 petitions were used to gather signatures. All but 16 have been accounted for and, pending receipt of these, we can report a PRELIMINARY total of 3208 signatures. As reported earlier, this is not enough to get Bellingham Initiative No. 2012-01 on the November ballot as Proposition No. 1. However, this total has attracted the attention of members of City government. At the direction of Mayor Kelli Linville, City staff is addressing the fact that Bellingham has a fireworks problem that needs to be dealt with. In a community which was suffering "petition fatigue" - the one about coal and the one about increasing to number of Port Commissioners as well as ours about fireworks - and with only about 25 volunteers and minimal expenditures, we should be very proud of what we have accomplished. Later . . .

Mayor's Report to City Council on August 6th, 2012

Per published minutes of the August 6th, 2012 meeting of the Bellingham City Council, the Mayor's Report portion of the minutes documented that "Mayor Linville notifed Council of meetings and direction to staff regarding fireworks, which include: reviewing Spokane's laws and results; education and marketing and fire and police emphasis patrols."  As in the posting below, keep "tuned in" to this website as this process continues. 

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Spokane Press Conference

There has been a fireworks ban in Spokane for 20-years. The link below is to a YouTube presentation of a press conference given in late June of this year regarding this ban.

The link:

Bellingham needs to do exactly the same thing that Spokane did 2-decade ago. Seems like a "no-brainer" to me! Later . . .

Monday, August 6, 2012

So, the Process Continues

This evening's Council Meeting confirmed that the City's fireworks problems will in fact be addressed. Mayor Kelly Linville explained, during her report to the Council, that she has directed Assistant City Attorney James Erb to investigate ways that the fireworks situation can be controlled by the City. This will apparently include looking into the history of the nearly 20-year old Spokane consumer fireworks ban. As I advised in my earlier posting, keep "tuned in" to this website for updates. Later . . .

The Respite is Over

After a nearly two-week respite, the Southside idiot - probably the one with a calendar-reading problem - set off a tremendous explosion last evening. It was actually considerably louder and shook the ground much harder than anything I've ever heard here. You know, this idiot might very well be the one who my wife saw driving a white SUV downtown recently with bumper stickers that read - and I kid you not - "Cherry Bombs for Jesus" and "I Love Fireworks"!  The former is certainly a new twist to the concept of "religious freedom"!  I just wanted to share this with you. Later . . .

Sunday, July 29, 2012

A Couple of Interesting Letters-to-the-Editor

Below are links to recent letters-to-the-editor of the Herald which relate to our efforts to get better control of fireworks here in Bellingham.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

So, the Process Begins

The Monday afternoon Council Meeting of the Whole did not go "exactly" as expected.  When Stan Snapp attempted to bring fireworks up as New Business, there was confusion as to whether this was the proper parliamentary method to initiate a discussion of fireworks. Fortunately, the Mayor intervened to salvage the situation, offering to direct the City Attorney to look into ways that the fireworks situation can be addressed by the City. So, the process begins.  Keep "tuned in" to this website for updates.  Later . . .

Monday, July 23, 2012

Dr. Hodge's Letter-to-the-Editor

Back on June 20th, a local opthamologist by the name of Dr. John Hodge sent us an E-mail which, with his permission, we quoted.  On July 13th, the Bellingham Herald published his letter-to-the-editor.  You might find his letter and the resulting comments interesting.  The link to Dr. Hodge's letter is:

Thursday, July 19, 2012

City Council to Discuss Bellingham's Fireworks Situation

This is actually a Bad News/Good News posting.  The Bad News is that we did not gather enough petition signatures to get on the ballot in November.  The Good News is that we did gather over 3000 petition signatures with about 25-volunteers and minimal expenditures.  Our efforts have increased awareness of the City's fireworks problems tremendously, evidenced in part by Councilman Stan Snapp's call for City Council discussion of the situation.  Snapp intends to bring this subject up under New Business during the Monday, 7/23/12 City Council Meeting.  Snapp's action will "get the ball rolling".  As future Council Actions on this subject are scheduled, our in-person attendance at Committee and Council meetings will likely be worthwhile.  But for now, we just need to let the process move forward.  As this takes place, updates will be posted here.  THANKS to all of you for supporting our efforts to get some action going on this issue.  Later . . .

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Thunder and Lightning vs Fireworks

The "calendar-reading-challenged" idiot just north of the Parkway continues to blow stuff up. The last two evenings, in direct competition with some pretty loud and impressive thunder and lightning, explosions caused by fireworks once again shook the earth. Later . . .

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

7/11/2012 Deadline

We began collecting petition signatures on 1/12/12, which means that on 7/11/12, the six-month period allowed by law to gather petition signatures is over. We have recently contacted all our volunteers, requesting that they return petitions for a final count. Thanks to everyone who has gathered signatures.

We will be tabling one last time at the Fairhaven Farmers' Market tomorrow, Wednesday, 7/11. If you are a registered voter, live within the City and support the idea of getting Bellingham Initiative 2012-01 on the November general election ballot as Proposition No. 1, please stop by our table and sign a petition. THANKS! Later . . .

Monday, July 9, 2012

Cannot Read a Calendar

It would appear that at least one idiotic fireworks lover on the Southside cannot read a calendar. BMC 10.24.130 allows so-called safe and sane fireworks on the 4th of July and at New Years. For the past 4 evenings - the 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th of July - explosions most likely caused by fireworks have shaken the earth at least once each evening. Last evening's extremely loud "sleep-stopper" was set off right around midnight. Made my 911 call, not that that did any good! Why would I want an officer to call be back in the middle of the night when all I really wanted was to go back to sleep? The fellow who took my call asked, "Was it caused by fireworks?" To which I replied, "I have no idea if it was caused by fireworks. I just want someone to find this idiot - somewhere between 20th and 22nd just north of the Parkway - and toss him in jail." I did not follow up with an E-Mail to the Chiefs, the Mayor and members of City Council - I have an idea that this year they are all very much aware of how insane the fireworks situation is in our City. I did, however, want to share my experience with you. Later . . .

Saturday, July 7, 2012

7/7 Downtown Farmers' Market Report

It was definitely bright and sunny at today's Market, and turnout was excellent.  Three of us gathered just over 5-dozen new petition signatures. After this past week's barrages across the City, interest in signing our petition continues to increase.

We'll be tabling one last time at the Fairhaven Farmers' Market next Wednesday, 7/11. If you are a registered voter, live within the City and support the idea of getting Bellingham Initiative 2012-01 on the November general election ballot as Proposition No. 1, please stop by our table and sign a petition. THANKS! Later . . .

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Another Approach to the Problem

I received a heads-up from an environmental guy who supports our efforts and has done what I outline below. The environment damage that the unbridled use of fireworks in our City does needs to be reported to the appropriate City and State authorities. Here are two you can contact:

  1. The City Stormwater folks at 360-715-5200 for information as to how to file an Illicit Discharge Complaint.
  2. The State Department of Ecology folks at 425-649-7000 to file an Environmental Report which gets listed on ERTS (Environment Report Tracking System)

In both cases, you'll need to get pictures of the trash that's been put in streets and gutters. Later . . .

The Morning After

To mimic an old cell phone commercial, "Can you hear me now?" If yesterday's barrages did not convince you that we have a problem here in Bellingham, I'd be amazed. My wife made our first 911 call about 5PM, to report bombs going off on the Southside. She made a second call at just after midnight, to ask that after seven (7) straight hours of blatant disregard of the City's noise and fire regulations near our home, what had the City done to curtail the situation. A rhetorical question to which there was little or no response. I have received dozens of postings relating similar situations all over the City. Right now we have just under 3000 petition signatures to limit fireworks to just the professionally-staged, public fireworks displays, like the one last evening put on by Haggens. We have just one week to reach a minimum of 5000 to get on the November ballot. We need your help to do this and we need it right now! Please advise. THANKS! Later . . .

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

7/4 Fairhaven Farmers' Market Report

Weather was again bright and sunny this afternoon, bringing out significant crowds to the Fairhaven Farmers' Market. In just under four hours, three of us gathered over 6-dozen petition signatures. We'll be at the downtown Farmers' Market this coming Saturday. Later . . .


You might find a Letter-to-the-Editor in this morning's Herald interesting.   Here's the link:

NOTE:  The letter includes some bad information.  Contrary to what the letter states, the City's fireworks ordinance does have a penalty.  Violation of the ordinance is a misdemeanor.  The suggestion to report noise is, however, a valid one!  Later . . .

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Explosions Continue on 7/3

For the fourth evening in a row, loud and disturbing explosions, apparently caused by fireworks, continued on the Southside. Located possible violators near Wilson and 18th. While talking with dispatcher at 676-6911 to report these explosions, was informed a call had already been taken for a Cowgill and 18th location and that an Officer had already been dispatched. Followed-up with E-Mail to Chiefs of Police and Fire Department, to the Mayor and to City Council members. Later . . .

3rd Night in a Row on Southside

Loud fireworks could be heard for the 3rd night in a row on the Southside last evening. They started shortly after 8PM and continued until well after midnight. Drove around the area - near 20th and Wilson - but was not able to get any addresses, so did not bother with 911. Followed-up this AM with an E-Mail to the Chiefs of Police and the Fire Department, to members of City Council and Mayor Linville to report that explosions continue on the Southside. Later . . .

Monday, July 2, 2012

Humane Society Article

Today's Herald included a piece about how to help your pets during Bellingham's fireworks barrages. Check it out at  Later . . .

Explosions Continue on Southside

Just after 10PM last evening, Panda, my 8-year old Aussie, alerted me to the fact that fireworks could be heard again on the Southside. Again, I could not tell exactly where they were coming from, but since it was 7/1, they were obviously illegal!  Hope someone was close enough to phone in a report of noise to 911 and compose a follow-up E-Mail to the Chiefs of Police and the Fire Department, to members of City Council and Mayor Linville. I did E-Mail the Chiefs, Mayor and Council to report that explosions continue on the Southside. Later . . .

Saturday, June 30, 2012

It's Started!

Just a few moments ago, fireworks could be heard on the Southside. Cannot tell where they are coming from, but since it's June 30th, they are obviously illegal!  Hope someone is close enough to phone in a report of noise to 911 and compose a follow-up E-Mail to the Chiefs of Police and the Fire Department, to members of City Council and Mayor Linville. Later . . .

Reporting Fireworks Violations

It's vital that violations be reported and documented. As I have advised recently, legal fireworks - those that do not leave the ground and that "pop" rather than "boom" - are allowed only on the 4th of July and at New Years. However, any disturbing noise caused by fireworks is illegal every day of the year!  So this year, call 911 and report the noise but not the fireworks!. You'll need to provide an exact location - an address is best! Once you've made the call, follow-up with an E-Mail to the Bellingham Police Chief (Todd Ramsay <>) and Bellingham Fire Chief (Bill Boyd < ) and "cc'd" to City Council (<>) and the Mayor (Kelli Linville <>).  This E-Mail must reference your call to 911 including the data you supplied.  The purpose of this two-part approach is to assure that the Bellingham police department, fire department, City Council and the Mayor have been informed accurately as to what is actually taking place "fireworks-wise" in our City.   Later . . .

6/30 Downtown Farmers' Market Report

We managed to "dodge" the showers today at the Market. With the help of a new volunteer, three of us gathered just over 6-dozen new petition signatures. As with last week, interest seems to be increasing due to sporadic fireworks around the City and recent publicity.

We'll be at the Fairhaven Farmers' Market next Wednesday afternoon and back at the downtown Farmers' Market next Saturday. If you are a registered voter, live within the City and support the idea of getting Bellingham Initiative 2012-01 on the November general election ballot as Proposition No. 1, please stop by our table and sign a petition. THANKS! Later . . .

6/27 Fairhaven Farmers' Market Report

Weather was  bright and sunny Wednesday afternoon, bringing out significant crowds.  In just under four hours of tabling, two of us gathered over fifty (50) petition signatures. We'll be at the downtown Farmers' Market today and back to Fairhaven next Wednesday, the 4th. Later . . .

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Setting the Record Straight

On 6/18, a post on this site entitled "A Few Things To Consider" included some inaccurate information regarding Bellingham's current fireworks ordinance (BMC 10.24-130 - Fireworks Prohibited). This ordinance does, in fact, include a penalty:  Paragraph K of BMC 10-24-130 states:  "Any violation of this section is a misdemeanor". The earlier posting has been corrected and the purpose of this posting is to set the record straight. Sorry for any misunderstanding or inconvenience this may have caused. Later . . .

Monday, June 25, 2012

An Old Letter-to-the-Editor

The link below will take you to a Herald letter-to-the-editor of a couple of weeks ago.  This lady is not a supporter of what we are about.  However, a review of the letter and the comments to it are very interesting.  Most, IMHO, are without merit, but it's good to try to understand what we are up against.  And it would appear that several folks - "FormerBellinghamster", "BellinghamOwl", "Pragmatic", "ek1" and "WORST_EVER_43" - do undertand what we are about.  Hope they've signed a petition.  Here's the link:  

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Sunday Editorial

There's a great editorial in today's Herald. Check it out at  You might follow the comments, many of which are really without merit.  It would appear, however, that "Fireworks_Guy","ticktock" and "Cantharellus" agree with what we are about.  Later . . . 

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Fireworks in Snohomish County

Per the link below, the Snohomish County Fire District is promoting the idea that fireworks should be left to the professionals. This is not unlike what we are proposing in Bellingham. Check it out.

6/23 Downtown Farmers' Market Report

What looked to be another "rain-challenged" Saturday at the Market today was just cloudy. Four of us gathered another 90 petition signatures today. Interest seems to be increasing as sporadic fireworks have been heard around the City of late.

We'll be at the Fairhaven Farmers' Market next Wednesday afternoon and back at the downtown Farmers' Market next Saturday. If you are a registered voter, live within the City and support the idea of getting Bellingham Initiative 2012-01 on the November general election ballot as Proposition No. 1, please stop by our table and sign a petition. THANKS! Later . . .

Friday, June 22, 2012

KOMO4 TV Coverage

Our efforts to get the fireworks situation in Bellingham under control were recently covered by Seattle's KOMO4 TV.  Kera Wanielista, KOMO4 Communities Reporter, interviewed Rich Maneval, our spokesman, and did a really nice piece regarding our efforts to limit fireworks in our City to professionally-staged, public fireworks displays. Many thanks to both Kera and Richard.  If you missed Kera's report on KOMO4 Early Edition News yesterday, you can still check it out at Later . . .

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Rhodes is With Us!

Today's Cascadia Weekly included Alan Rhodes' following "Suggestion Box" entry:

"Everyone in Bellingham. Sign the petition to ban personal fireworks. That way you can still enjoy the pyrotechnics display over the bay, but not have to worry about the neighborhood idiot burning down your garage."

Pretty well stated, Alan, although the "ban of personal fireworks" that we seek really amounts to a limitation of fireworks in Bellingham to only the professionally-staged, public fireworks displays, like the "pyrotechnics display over the bay" that you describe.  Thanks!  Later . . .

6/20 Fairhaven Farmers' Market Report

First day of summer brought out significant crowds today. In just under four hours of tabling, another three dozen petition signatures were obtained. We'll be at the downtown Farmers' Market on this coming Saturday, 6/23 and back to Fairhaven next Wednesday, 6/27. Later . . .

An Eye Doctor Weighs In

Recently, Dr. John H. Hodge, MD, a local Ophthalmologist, signed a petition and offered to be quoted on this website as follows:

"Fireworks injuries are common, painful and severe. Every 4th of July something happens."

Thank you, Dr. Hodge, for your support and personal input. Later . . .

Monday, June 18, 2012

A Few Things to Consider

As this year's 4th of July approaches, we would like to share a few things that Bellingham residents should consider:
• Did you know that Bellingham’s noise ordinance (BMC 10.24.120-Public Disturbance Noise) does not include or exempt fireworks noise?
• Did you know that Bellingham’s noise ordinance (BMC 10.24.120-Public Disturbance Noise) includes significant penalties: Up to $250 for a first offense and, for a second or subsequent offense, up $500 or imprisonment for 90 days?
• Since the noise ordinance is “silent” – pun intended – regarding the noise of fireworks, it’s no wonder that our City is overwhelmed by the noise of fireworks. So, what’s a City resident to do when the noise of fireworks becomes unbearable? Try this: Call 911 - or 676-6911 if you do not consider it an "emergency" - and report the noise, but not the the fireworks.  When you do call, you will need to supply an exact location - an address - from where the noise is coming.  Since the noise ordinance includes significant penalties, perhaps law enforcement can do some enforcement.
• In the interim, we continue to seek petition signatures to put Bellingham Initiative No. 2012-01, as Proposition No. 1, on the November General Election Ballot.

Saturday, June 16, 2012

6/16 Farmers' Market Report

Another "rain-challenged" Saturday at the Market again today. However, three of us braved the wet and gathered another 40 petition signatures today. Our tattered yard umbrella and sheets of reinforced clear plastic successfully kept our petitions dry and "signable"!

We'll be at the Fairhaven Farmers' Market next Wednesday afternoon and back at the downtown Farmers' Market next Saturday. If you are a registered voter, live within the City and support the idea of getting Bellingham Initiative 2012-01 on the November general election ballot as Proposition No. 1, please stop by our table and sign a petition. THANKS! Later . . .

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

6/13 Fairhaven Farmers' Market Report

Once again, just one of us at this event today. Great crowds! Just under four hours of tabling netted just short of another three dozen petition signatures.  We'll be at the downtown Farmers' Market on this coming Saturday, 6/16 and back to Fairhaven next Wednesday, 6/20.  Later . . .

Locations Added to "Hard-Copy Petition and LOCATIONS" Page

Back in March, a posting was added to this site indicating where petitions could be found. Unfortunately, this information was not included in this Blog itself. That situation has be corrected - locations have been added to the "Hard-Copy Petition and LOCATIONS" Page.

Back to Fairhaven Today

We'll be back at the Farmers' Market in Fairhaven this afternoon. Come by and sign our petition to get an initiative - to limit fireworks in our City to professionally-staged public fireworks displays - on the ballot this Fall. Later . . .

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Good News/Bad News

The Good News: Today was our best day at Market so far. With four of us gathering petition signatures for 3-hours, we totaled 91.

The Bad News: After 5-months of petitioning, we have just over 2100 signatures. With about a month to go, we need at least 2900 more. That means roughly 100 per day for the next 30-days.  Judging from what we've managed in 5-months (i.e., 148-days), that's going to be tough. Time is running out, and we really need your help. Here's how:
  • If you have not signed a hard-copy petition yet, do so. If you endorsed the on-line petition, that's great, but we need your actual signature on a paper petition for it to support getting this on the Fall general election ballot.
  • If you are gathering petition signatures yourself, please step up your efforts.
  • If you would like to gather signatures, please contact us and petition(s) will be provided.

Friday, June 8, 2012

6/6 Fairhaven Farmers' Market Report

Just one of us at this event on Wednesday. Crowds were heavier than expected. Four hours of tabling netted more than three dozen petition signatures.

Our time to gather 5000 to 7000 petition signatures is down to just over a month, and our total is just over 2000. So without lots more volunteers, our efforts to get Bellingham Initiative No. 2012-01 on the November general election ballot as PROPOSITION NO. 1 appears pretty much doomed! Please advise if you can help! Later . . .

Saturday, June 2, 2012

6/2 Farmers' Market Report

Although challenged by the rain, just two of us managed to gather more than 3-dozen petition signatures today. With the help of a yard umbrella and clear plastic bags, we were able to keep our petitions dry and "signable"!

We'll be "on the green", as it were, for the opening day of the Fairhaven Farmers' Market on this next Wednesday afternoon.  If you are a registered voter, live within the City and support the idea of getting Bellingham Initiative 2012-01 on the November general election ballot as Proposition No. 1, please stop by our table and sign a petition.  THANKS!  Later . . .

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

29th May, 2012 Update

  • Collected more than 40 petition signatures at the Saturday, 5/26 Farmers' Market.  We'll be back there again next Saturday, 6/2.
  • Not so many petition signers at Ski to Sea, probably because folks were more interested in the revelry of the event than limiting fireworks in our City.
  • Our first petition signature collection efforts today at both dog off-lease areas were very productive.  We'll definitely be returning many times in the next 6-weeks.   

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Busy Memorial Day Weekend

The weather has turned gorgeous, and we will be out and about gathering petition signatures over this Memorial Day Holiday:
  • On Saturday, we will be tabling at the Farmers' Market, between 10AM and 1PM, at the corner of Railroad and East Chestnut.
  • On Sunday, the Democracy for America folks will be tabling for us in Fairhaven, starting at 10AM, at the rear of Village Books, near the Village Green.
If you are a registered voter in Bellingham, please stop by either location and sign our petition to get Proposition No. 1 on the ballot in November. Later . . .

Friday, May 25, 2012

Another Northwest Citizen Piece

Local activist Richard Conoboy just yesterday posted, in the Northwest Citizen, another interesting article regarding our efforts to limit fireworks in the City to professionally-staged public fireworks displays. It's an update to his January 20, 2011 article in this local newspaper ( and it's worth a look:  Later . . .

Monday, May 21, 2012

Southside Community Meeting Report

Glad to report successful petition signature gathering at the Southside Community Meeting last evening. Filled one full petition. That's another twenty (20) toward the 5000 to 7000 signatures we need before the 2nd week in July to get PROP NO. 1 on the ballot in November. Later . . .

Sunday, May 20, 2012


Since the launching of our hard-copy petition drive in mid-January, many citizens have asked why we are doing this. So we have compiled a list of the NEGATIVE IMPACTS of the personal use of consumer fireworks:
  • Twenty-seven (27) fireworks-related FIRES between 2006 and 2011.
  • FIRE DAMAGE ($120,000) to the Burlington Northern Santa Fe wooden railroad trestle and tracks in southwest Bellingham in July, 2011.
  • DISTURBING THE PEACE with random, war-like barrages of loud, "frequent, repetitive or continuous" noises.
  • TERRORIZING sufferers of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and both domestic and wild animals.
  • LITTERING our streets, yards, sidewalks, roofs and gutters with trash from spent fireworks.
  • POLLUTING the air we breathe, the water we drink and the water in our streams and lakes.
  • Increasing risk of WILD FIRES in our wooded-areas as well as HOUSE and other STRUCTURE FIRES. 
Hence, our efforts to get PROPOSITION NO. 1 on the November General Election Ballot.  This proposition seeks to limit fireworks within the City of Bellingham to professionally-staged public fireworks display!  If you vote within Bellingham, we would appreciate your endorsement of our hard-copy petition to put PROPOSITION NO. 1 before the voters in November.   Later . . .

5/19 Farmers' Market Report

After a week away from the Farmers' Market, we did very well on 5/19: Just three of us for just over 2-hours with some 40-signatures gathered. We will be returning to the Market on a week-to-week basis. We're also looking forwarding to gathering petition signatures at the Wednesday Farmers' Market in Fairhaven starting early next month.

Look for us this evening at the Southside Community Meeting at Our Savior's Lutheran Church. Later . . .

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Look for Us at the Farmers' Market on May 19th

After a successful petition signature gathering effort at Friday evening's Girls' Night Out in Fairhaven, our volunteers look forward to returning to the Saturday Farmers' Market in downtown Bellingham next week. We will be tabling at Railroad and E. Chestnut from 10AM until 1PM and will also have volunteers, clipboards with petitions at-the-ready, near entrances to the Market. If you are a registered voter and live in Bellingham, please take a minute to add your endorsement to support getting Proposition No. 1 on the November general election ballot. THANKS! Later . . .

Saturday, May 5, 2012

5/5 Farmers' Market Report

Did very well this AM at the Farmers' Market. Just three of us for just over 2-hours with some 40-signatures gathered.

Three (3) volunteer ladies in pink, clipboards and petitions at the ready, will be at Girls' Night Out in Fairhaven this coming Friday evening, 5/11/12. Look for them "near" Harris and 11th between 5:30 and 7:30PM and then at the Ferry Terminal at 8:00PM.

Back to the Farmers' Market Today

Lot's going on downtown today, a "No Coal" rally and the "Procession of the Species" as well as the weekly Farmers' Market. We'll be back at the Market today, tabling at Railroad and E. Chestnut, seeking petition signatures to get Proposition No. 1 on the November General Election Ballot. Proposition No. 1 seeks to limit fireworks in Bellingham to professionally-staged public fireworks displays. Come by our table to sign-on so that we can let the voters weigh in on this issue.

Monday, April 30, 2012

Dirty Dan Festival Report

Great crowds at yesterday's Dirty Dan Festival in Fairhaven.  And lots of folks signing on to get Proposition No. 1 on the general election ballot in November. THANKS to everyone who took time out from the Festival fun to sign a petition!

We're hoping to return to Fairhaven to gather signatures on Friday, May 11th, at Ladies Night Out. Not sure how we can do that logistically, but we're working on it. More later . . .

Friday, April 27, 2012

Change of Plans

We've decided to better utilize our volunteers this coming weekend by skipping the Saturday, 4/28 Bellingham Farmers' Market in favor of concentrating on the Fairhaven Dirty Dan Festival on Sunday, 4/29. We'll be in costume, working the crowd to gather signatures on our petition to get Proposition No.1 on the ballot in November. Later . . .

Saturday, April 21, 2012

We'll be at the Dirty Dan Festival

The Dirty Dan festivities take place next Sunday, April 29th in Fairhaven. We'll be there, gathering more signatures on our petition to get Proposition No.1 - to ban consumer fireworks in our City - on the ballot in November. If you are a registered voter in the City of Bellingham, we urge you to come by and sign on!

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Saturday at the Farmers' Market

We will be tabling at the Bellingham Farmers' Market again today. We are planning to set up on the southeast corner of Railroad Avenue and East Chestnut Avenue. Hope you can come by and sign a petition today.

Monday, April 9, 2012

It's Already Started!

This AM, we received the following, via E-Mail, from a couple of Bellingham citizens:

"Speaking of fireworks. We were awakened this morning with a continuous barrage of loud exploding fireworks. (York neighborhood) Did you hear it? Were the perpetrators identified?"

"My wife and I were awakened this morning, 9 April at 4:40 or so by a burst of fireworks lasting about 30 seconds. Sounded like it came from down the hill from us near Lincoln Creek park and ride. Starting early this year. Maybe someone got PO’d because you were collecting signatures Saturday at the market."

Certainly such flaunting of the existing Bellingham fireworks ordinance has nothing to do with the Fourth of July or New Year. Simply stated, such violation of the existing law is but one of many reasons why the time has come for Bellingham to join more than 50 other cities in Washington who ban the personal use of consumer fireworks. Please seek out and sign one of our hard-copy petitions to get an initiative to ban consumer fireworks on the ballot in November.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Hope to See You at the Market

Beginning Saturday, April 7th, our petition in support of a ban of consumer fireworks in Bellingham will be available for signing at the Farmers' Market. We hope to see lots of our City's citizens visit our table at the Market and sign-on.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

March Update No. 2

As the end of March nears, it's vital that the locations of hard-copy petitions are known, so here they are:
  • In Irongate, at Tails-A-Wagging (3959 Hammer Drive).
  • In Bellingham, at City Dogs (corner of West Holly & Prospect), at the Bellingham Veterinary Clinic (corner of State and Virginia), at My Pet’s Place (1212 Dupont), at the Maplewood Animal Hospital (2869 West Maplewood), at Hohl Feed and Seed (1322 Railroad), at the Village Veterinary Hospital in Sehome (236-36th Street) and at Bailey’s Bath House (1633 Birchwood #104).
  • In Fairhaven, at Paws Awhile (1200 10th #105) and at Trek Video (1213 Harris).
Periodically, volunteers are gathering signatures at both Co-ops, at both Fred Meyer stores, at Trader Joes, at all Haggens stores, in Boulevard Park and on Taylor Dock.

If you are a registered voter and live within the city limits of Bellingham, please seek out and sign one of our petitions. THANKS!

Saturday, March 10, 2012

We Are on Facebook

In a effort to utilize all available methods of Internet communication, we have established a Facebook Page at Please join the discussion.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

March Update No. 1

As March begins, the total number of signatures gathered is nearing 1000. Periodically, volunteers are gathering signatures at both Co-ops, at both Fred Meyer stores, at Trader Joes and at all Haggens stores. In addition, there are readily available petitions at various permanent locations in Bellingham and Fairhaven. If you have not been able to find a petition to sign, post us at or and we'll help you locate one to sign. Thank you for your continued interest and support.

Monday, February 20, 2012

February Update No. 2

Recent letters-to-the-editor of the Bellingham "Herald" have succeeded in keeping this issue in the public view. The latest, published just yesterday, is particularly noteworthy. To review these and other similar letters regarding consumer fireworks, simply "Google" the "Herald", click on "Opinion" and then "Commentary" and scroll down to letters regarding our proposed ban. And look for upcoming press releases regarding this issue in the "Whatcom Watch" and the "Cascadia Weekly".

Saturday, February 18, 2012

February Update No. 1

Petitions and signature gatherers are all over our City. The pace of signing is increasing nicely. Interest in our campaign to get the issue of a ban of consumer fireworks in our City before the Bellingham City Council and the voters of Bellingham in the November general election is growing. We respectively encourage the registered voters living in Bellingham to seek out and endorse our petition. And, if perchance you would like to get more involved in our grass roots efforts, please post us at or

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Hard-Copy Petitions Are Available

On January 12th, we began distribution of our hard-copy petition to get a ban consumer fireworks initiative considered by the Bellingham City Council and/or on the General Election ballot in November, 2012. Many folks who endorsed our on-line petition are taking copies of our hard-copy petition and beginning to gather signatures. More signature gatherers are needed! If you would like to help, please post us at or THANKS!

BTW, you can view a "text-only" copy by clicking on "Hard-Copy Petition" on the right.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

New Year's Barrage

On the South Side last evening, the marking of the New Year once again lit up the skies and shook the earth. The existing Bellingham ordinance (BMC 10.24.130) prohibits overhead consumer fireworks as well as percussive devices. Although so-called "safe and sane" consumer fireworks were OK between 6:00PM yesterday evening until 1:00AM this morning, the lit up skies and shaking earth indicated that little or no "safe and sane" activity took place. Very soon the registered voters in our City will have an opportunity to put an initiative forth to ban all consumer fireworks in Bellingham. Let's work together to curtail these twice a year barrages of consumer fireworks.