Sunday, July 29, 2012

A Couple of Interesting Letters-to-the-Editor

Below are links to recent letters-to-the-editor of the Herald which relate to our efforts to get better control of fireworks here in Bellingham.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

So, the Process Begins

The Monday afternoon Council Meeting of the Whole did not go "exactly" as expected.  When Stan Snapp attempted to bring fireworks up as New Business, there was confusion as to whether this was the proper parliamentary method to initiate a discussion of fireworks. Fortunately, the Mayor intervened to salvage the situation, offering to direct the City Attorney to look into ways that the fireworks situation can be addressed by the City. So, the process begins.  Keep "tuned in" to this website for updates.  Later . . .

Monday, July 23, 2012

Dr. Hodge's Letter-to-the-Editor

Back on June 20th, a local opthamologist by the name of Dr. John Hodge sent us an E-mail which, with his permission, we quoted.  On July 13th, the Bellingham Herald published his letter-to-the-editor.  You might find his letter and the resulting comments interesting.  The link to Dr. Hodge's letter is:

Thursday, July 19, 2012

City Council to Discuss Bellingham's Fireworks Situation

This is actually a Bad News/Good News posting.  The Bad News is that we did not gather enough petition signatures to get on the ballot in November.  The Good News is that we did gather over 3000 petition signatures with about 25-volunteers and minimal expenditures.  Our efforts have increased awareness of the City's fireworks problems tremendously, evidenced in part by Councilman Stan Snapp's call for City Council discussion of the situation.  Snapp intends to bring this subject up under New Business during the Monday, 7/23/12 City Council Meeting.  Snapp's action will "get the ball rolling".  As future Council Actions on this subject are scheduled, our in-person attendance at Committee and Council meetings will likely be worthwhile.  But for now, we just need to let the process move forward.  As this takes place, updates will be posted here.  THANKS to all of you for supporting our efforts to get some action going on this issue.  Later . . .

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Thunder and Lightning vs Fireworks

The "calendar-reading-challenged" idiot just north of the Parkway continues to blow stuff up. The last two evenings, in direct competition with some pretty loud and impressive thunder and lightning, explosions caused by fireworks once again shook the earth. Later . . .

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

7/11/2012 Deadline

We began collecting petition signatures on 1/12/12, which means that on 7/11/12, the six-month period allowed by law to gather petition signatures is over. We have recently contacted all our volunteers, requesting that they return petitions for a final count. Thanks to everyone who has gathered signatures.

We will be tabling one last time at the Fairhaven Farmers' Market tomorrow, Wednesday, 7/11. If you are a registered voter, live within the City and support the idea of getting Bellingham Initiative 2012-01 on the November general election ballot as Proposition No. 1, please stop by our table and sign a petition. THANKS! Later . . .

Monday, July 9, 2012

Cannot Read a Calendar

It would appear that at least one idiotic fireworks lover on the Southside cannot read a calendar. BMC 10.24.130 allows so-called safe and sane fireworks on the 4th of July and at New Years. For the past 4 evenings - the 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th of July - explosions most likely caused by fireworks have shaken the earth at least once each evening. Last evening's extremely loud "sleep-stopper" was set off right around midnight. Made my 911 call, not that that did any good! Why would I want an officer to call be back in the middle of the night when all I really wanted was to go back to sleep? The fellow who took my call asked, "Was it caused by fireworks?" To which I replied, "I have no idea if it was caused by fireworks. I just want someone to find this idiot - somewhere between 20th and 22nd just north of the Parkway - and toss him in jail." I did not follow up with an E-Mail to the Chiefs, the Mayor and members of City Council - I have an idea that this year they are all very much aware of how insane the fireworks situation is in our City. I did, however, want to share my experience with you. Later . . .

Saturday, July 7, 2012

7/7 Downtown Farmers' Market Report

It was definitely bright and sunny at today's Market, and turnout was excellent.  Three of us gathered just over 5-dozen new petition signatures. After this past week's barrages across the City, interest in signing our petition continues to increase.

We'll be tabling one last time at the Fairhaven Farmers' Market next Wednesday, 7/11. If you are a registered voter, live within the City and support the idea of getting Bellingham Initiative 2012-01 on the November general election ballot as Proposition No. 1, please stop by our table and sign a petition. THANKS! Later . . .

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Another Approach to the Problem

I received a heads-up from an environmental guy who supports our efforts and has done what I outline below. The environment damage that the unbridled use of fireworks in our City does needs to be reported to the appropriate City and State authorities. Here are two you can contact:

  1. The City Stormwater folks at 360-715-5200 for information as to how to file an Illicit Discharge Complaint.
  2. The State Department of Ecology folks at 425-649-7000 to file an Environmental Report which gets listed on ERTS (Environment Report Tracking System)

In both cases, you'll need to get pictures of the trash that's been put in streets and gutters. Later . . .

The Morning After

To mimic an old cell phone commercial, "Can you hear me now?" If yesterday's barrages did not convince you that we have a problem here in Bellingham, I'd be amazed. My wife made our first 911 call about 5PM, to report bombs going off on the Southside. She made a second call at just after midnight, to ask that after seven (7) straight hours of blatant disregard of the City's noise and fire regulations near our home, what had the City done to curtail the situation. A rhetorical question to which there was little or no response. I have received dozens of postings relating similar situations all over the City. Right now we have just under 3000 petition signatures to limit fireworks to just the professionally-staged, public fireworks displays, like the one last evening put on by Haggens. We have just one week to reach a minimum of 5000 to get on the November ballot. We need your help to do this and we need it right now! Please advise. THANKS! Later . . .

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

7/4 Fairhaven Farmers' Market Report

Weather was again bright and sunny this afternoon, bringing out significant crowds to the Fairhaven Farmers' Market. In just under four hours, three of us gathered over 6-dozen petition signatures. We'll be at the downtown Farmers' Market this coming Saturday. Later . . .


You might find a Letter-to-the-Editor in this morning's Herald interesting.   Here's the link:

NOTE:  The letter includes some bad information.  Contrary to what the letter states, the City's fireworks ordinance does have a penalty.  Violation of the ordinance is a misdemeanor.  The suggestion to report noise is, however, a valid one!  Later . . .

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Explosions Continue on 7/3

For the fourth evening in a row, loud and disturbing explosions, apparently caused by fireworks, continued on the Southside. Located possible violators near Wilson and 18th. While talking with dispatcher at 676-6911 to report these explosions, was informed a call had already been taken for a Cowgill and 18th location and that an Officer had already been dispatched. Followed-up with E-Mail to Chiefs of Police and Fire Department, to the Mayor and to City Council members. Later . . .

3rd Night in a Row on Southside

Loud fireworks could be heard for the 3rd night in a row on the Southside last evening. They started shortly after 8PM and continued until well after midnight. Drove around the area - near 20th and Wilson - but was not able to get any addresses, so did not bother with 911. Followed-up this AM with an E-Mail to the Chiefs of Police and the Fire Department, to members of City Council and Mayor Linville to report that explosions continue on the Southside. Later . . .

Monday, July 2, 2012

Humane Society Article

Today's Herald included a piece about how to help your pets during Bellingham's fireworks barrages. Check it out at  Later . . .

Explosions Continue on Southside

Just after 10PM last evening, Panda, my 8-year old Aussie, alerted me to the fact that fireworks could be heard again on the Southside. Again, I could not tell exactly where they were coming from, but since it was 7/1, they were obviously illegal!  Hope someone was close enough to phone in a report of noise to 911 and compose a follow-up E-Mail to the Chiefs of Police and the Fire Department, to members of City Council and Mayor Linville. I did E-Mail the Chiefs, Mayor and Council to report that explosions continue on the Southside. Later . . .