Thursday, July 5, 2012

The Morning After

To mimic an old cell phone commercial, "Can you hear me now?" If yesterday's barrages did not convince you that we have a problem here in Bellingham, I'd be amazed. My wife made our first 911 call about 5PM, to report bombs going off on the Southside. She made a second call at just after midnight, to ask that after seven (7) straight hours of blatant disregard of the City's noise and fire regulations near our home, what had the City done to curtail the situation. A rhetorical question to which there was little or no response. I have received dozens of postings relating similar situations all over the City. Right now we have just under 3000 petition signatures to limit fireworks to just the professionally-staged, public fireworks displays, like the one last evening put on by Haggens. We have just one week to reach a minimum of 5000 to get on the November ballot. We need your help to do this and we need it right now! Please advise. THANKS! Later . . .