Wednesday, June 19, 2013

6/17/2013 Council Meeting Video

Video of Monday evening's Bellingham City Council meeting is now available on the City's website.  The video runs for nearly 97-minutes.  The part of interest fireworks-wise begins at just past 91-minutes into the video.  That's when Terry Bornemann, standing fast by his assertion that the fireworks ban is unnecessary, could not resist adding another of his hand-waving comments just before the Council Members present voted 4-2 to codify the ban.  Thanks definitely goes to Lehman, Weiss, Knutson and Snapp for approving the ban.  My personal appreciation goes to Councilman Snapp, who from the first time I met him in September, 2009 supported our efforts to put a ban in place.  Click here to check it out the video.  Later . . .