Recent publicity provided by the City of Bellingham, as it relates to fireworks in our City, indicates that the City is keen to facilitate a safe and lawful 4th of July this year. This publicity includes
- A June 13th Press Release on the City's website.
- A June, 2013 Blockwatcher E-Mail distribution to neighborhood block captains.
- An editorial in yesterday's Herald.
Each of these contain essentially the same information, that is, an explanation of the existing fireworks ordinance, of how the BFD and BPD intend to increase the enforcement efforts this year and a "heads-up" that a total ban will be in effect next year.
All of which leads to this rhetorical question: Is it not somewhat ironic that, had such due diligence been exercised when the current fireworks ordinance went into effect a decade ago, the recently adopted fireworks ban might not have been necessary? Later . . .