There was an intriguing page A2 story in this AM's
Herald, bemoaning the fact that there will be no fireworks sales within the City next year. It contains some interesting information. For example, this year there are seven (7) stands, and, contrary to what opponents of next year's ban claimed, not all of them support non-profits. The article is an interesting read, as are the on-line comments. You might want to check it out
During research regarding this year's sales of fireworks in Bellingham, some enlightening facts were discovered:
- Last year there were ten (10) stands.
- Last year, fireworks sold at these stands came from two (2) vendors.
- This year only one (1) of those vendors supplies fireworks to all seven (7) stands.
- This vendor, whose headquarters are in Florence, AL, also supplies fireworks to stands out in Whatcom County and numerous other locations throughout Washington.
So far this year, there have been minimal fireworks on the Southside. It will be interesting to see how much barrage-type activity takes place outside the 9AM to 12 midnight "legal window" on the 4th. But just imagine how wonderful it will be next year with no sales in the City. Later . . .